Whisper Falls Pool:
- GUESTS - Maximum of 3 Guest ALLOWED Per Household- No Exceptions
- Children under the age of fourteen are not permitted to utilize the swimming pool unless accompanied by a parent, guardian, or competent adult.
- Please adhere to the hours. Anyone accessing the pool after hours is considered trespassing.
We ask for your help keeping the facility and furniture clean using the sanitation spray bottles (spray and walk away) that will be made available for use.
Please remember to throw away your trash while visiting the pool area or covered patio space.
After use, please clean tabletops and close all umbrellas when not in use, especially if you are the last one out of the pool area. Please no personal sound-producing equipment, speakers, or radios. There may be children or others present who may find vulgarity in the music offensive.
Remember, this is a family-friendly setting!
Whisper Falls Splash Pad:
Access to the Splash Pad is from the Playground ONLY. Therefore, you will not need the access card to get into the Splash Pad, only to get into the Playground.
The Splash Pad is set to USER, which means if you are the first person to use it, you need to PUSH the BUTTON. This helps us conserve water. The Splash Pad will turn off after 15 Minutes. A push of the BUTTON will kick it back on.
Absolutely No one permitted After Hours in the Splash Pad Area.
Children over the age of twelve (12) are not permitted to utilize the Splash Pad at any time.
Adults age eighteen (18) and over must be accompanied by a child, age twelve (12) and under, at all times, and at least one adult must accompany a child user.
Whisper Falls Playground:
Reminder, there are no skateboards or bicycles allowed and absolutely no pets.
Whisper Falls Basketball Court:
Reminder, there are no skateboards or bicycles allowed and absolutely no pets.
Whisper Falls Fitness Center:
- Fitness Center Hours are 6 AM to 10 PM Daily, Except for Major Holidays.
- The Fitness Center Capacity is 17. That is the Max Capacity for the Fitness Center.
- The sanitation stations will stay in place. We appreciate the support and follow-through when it comes to keeping the equipment and facility clean and safe.
WE HAVE SATELLITE TV ACCESS. There is access to the Bike, Treadmills, and Elliptical Machines. You will need to wear headphones for the sound. Each unit will have its own remote (numbered) - please use it accordingly. We also have cable for the Main Wall TV. Please enjoy the TV Responsibly; Keep the Volume to a respectable level; Return the Remote to its SPOT after use.
If you need to use the fitness facility after-hours, please email Courtney Leonard at
cleonard@ccmcnet.com. After-hour usage will be granted for single resident usage ONLY.